Thursday, April 19, 2012

I've lost track - What day is this?

I had so much fun yesterday.  Spent quality time with dead relatives.  Went to a historical museum where the curator knew my name.  Well, she knew my gggg grandfather's name.  Took some photos. The curator will email some more information to me after she has scanned it. And then looked for a place to stay.

That's where things started to go downhill.

Natural gas drilling is happening in Bradford County PA and all the rooms were taken by workmen driving really big trucks filled with all sorts of equipment.  Not one man offered to share his room with me so I had to drive to Scranton to find a bed.

By the time I arrived I was so tired I would have been happy to stay at the Schrute Beet Farm (The Office watchers will know what that means).

Instead I stayed at a EconoLodge.  Will never stay in one again.  The sign said it had Internet service -- it lied.  The fitted sheet would not stay on the bed.  The trash can had not been emptied of the whiskey and wine bottles from the previous tenant (or two). But the worse part was the smell that reminded me of a pile of soiled adult diapers.

I opened the window wide and fell on the bed for some rest.  Was glad to wake up at dawn and leave.

I took my time getting down the road yesterday stopping whenever I saw something interesting, like this cool rock building . . .

It had pipes coming out of it and the chimney looked like it had massive power lines attached to it.  Anyone know what it is?

This is another house that caught my eye.  I'm not use to seeing houses built with rock.

These people tried to make this naked tree in their yard a little more attractive (double click for a closer look)
Rolling over in your grave would be easy when you're planted on such a steep hill
Then there were these people who are spending their time waiting for the coming of our Lord in a daylight basement
Here is the story
Here is the land they are talking about.  It took three shots to capture the whole valley

This story and land is of interest to me because my ggggg grandfather owned some of this land and sold it to a representative who negotiated the deal prior to the French crossing the Atlantic.

Here is where Joshua Gaylord made a name for the family when he settled here after the Revolutionary War.
I don't know if what this sign means that it is the oldest house still standing in the area or if it belonged to Mr. Oldest -- there was no date to let me know when it was built. It will be open to visitors in May.

Can you stand to see some more barn quilts?

Tonight I'm snug in a great Ramada room ten miles from the location where my English ancestors made their home after coming to the New World in 1630.

Tomorrow should be another fun day of exploration.

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